
Back on the slopes...

There hasn’t been much to report on the blog really over the past 2 weeks. We’ve worked very hard in the chalet – averaging 11 hours a day 6 days a week. I could write some interesting comments on ‘Life as a Chalet Girl’ but they would probably have to be written anonymously!

Plans to get away on our day off have been scuppered by poor weather for the past 3 weeks making it very difficult to get away in the van with the amount of snow and ice on the road. Dave promised the weather would be sunny today but peeking out of the door of our studio at 9am in my PJ’s all I could see was low cloud, wind and snow falling AGAIN! We both went back to bed/sleep to consider what we should do on our day off zzzzzzzz

Later on that morning….

The wind eased, the snow stopped and the low cloud thinned out. Dave decided there may be blue sky up above the cloud so we get all our gear on and set off. It’s French half-term and it’s very busy here at the moment – lunch time is always a good time to get on the lifts as the queues are much shorter. The fall a few weeks ago knocked my confidence a little and if I could live my life on the green runs I would be a happy girl. Some of the blue’s are within my comfort-zone until a steep section appears from nowhere or things get all bumpy or icy. I usually end up being unable to make the turn in time or career off down the slope totally out of control – my Bridget Jones nightmare scenario!

Dave boarding - Mont Blanc in the background

We took a number of chair lifts up through the cold cloud and eventually found the sun and beautiful blue sky at a height of 2500m at the top of the Grand Vans chairlift which comes up from Flaine. In the distance was Mont Blanc and a stunning range of mountains. I managed the blue run down from here – even going off-piste (unintentionally!!) for a short distance. My favourite run of the day was a long green run called Marvel which is 5 km long and finishes in Morillon. Happy girl….


  1. Congrats on managing a 5km run. My knees would be very wobbly after that.

    1. It didn't seem that long when I was doing it!! xx

  2. Hi Kath,
    It's Jen here! Lucia is having a little nap so I thought I would take the opportunity to catch up on your blog. You look fab and as if you are both having a fantastic (if not tiring) time! Missing you! Love Jen, Teo,Tiana and Lucia xx P.s Did you get the xmas card we sent you?!?!?!

    1. Hi Jen - great to hear from you. I did email you a couple of weeks ago - could it have gone into your spam box? Thanks - did get your xmas card which was a lovely surprise. Missing you all..... xxxx
