
It's a beautiful day...

Wednesday 20th February 2013

We haven’t had many days off which have been beautiful and sunny. Today was different and instead of driving off down the valley we stayed local and walked for a few hours from Les Carroz to Araches through the woods along pisted paths used by sledgers, dog walkers, cross country skiers and people walking using racquettes.

It was a beautiful walk with stunning views down to the river bed below and across to the mountain range on the opposite side of the valley. Subtle information signs tell of the local flora and fauna and the rock formations, all in French though! 

Fresh snow hasn’t fallen since Sunday so the paths were really easy to walk on. Off the paths though the snow is very deep and there are beautiful crystal formations glistening in the sun.  

Back at our studio we ate our lunch al-fresco on our balcony after which Dave went out boarding. I started packing up our belongings as we will soon be leaving Les Carroz - it will be good to get on the road again.


  1. Looks amazing! Where are you off to next? x

    1. Its Sarah btw x

    2. On our way to Marseille to meet Gareth for a week traveling through South France & Italy. We will drop him off in Venice then back to Geneva for Owen. Loving being back on the road again..... xx

  2. Leaving us on a cliff-hanger- Where to?

    1. Heading for Marseille to meet up with Gareth as I write, then back to Geneva for Owen, then Barcelona to meet Sue & Mum..... but we hope to be in Turkey by June - so get the maps out and start planning our trip xx
