
Happy Anniversary

Monday 28th January 2013

Today was our 24th wedding anniversary and we had managed to 'engineer' an evening off to celebrate. Having cooked day-in day-out for the past 5 weeks for an average of 18 guests a night the opportunity for us to have someone else cook us a meal was one not to miss.

There are a number of restaurants in Les Carroz and we have had feedback from clients about the cost, service and standards of food at a few of them. The Bistro Du Gron came highly recommended by one of our groups and as it is tiny with a maximum of 20 diners we had already booked our table over a week ago.

It's really a place for meat lovers and the owner and chef Philippe brings your raw meat to your table for 'approval' before slapping it on the open fire and cooking it to your liking. Dave had the Cote de Boeuf and I plumped for the Cotelette d'Agneau, both were served up with an oven roasted jacket potato and salad. We also shared a Salad Savoyarde starter and a Tarte Tatin pudding.

At  80 for the meal with 2 glasses of wine and a juice it's not cheap but the quality of the food was very good, the atmosphere of the bistro is very intimate and it was for a very special occasion!   


  1. Happy Anniversary. I was looking at the photos of the big day last week.

  2. It was great to have you and 'him indoors' there all those years ago. Read you blog and comments about trying to not work for another year - can't wait until we become officially 'unemployed'. This chalet stuff is very hard work!

  3. It all sounds great and you two look really well - Kath with curly hair again!!
    Are you back on the slopes yet Kath? We have actually had two sledgeworthy days so Louis tried out his new inflatable polar bear sledge, it was ace but tricky to stop when he is hurtling towards you. Ian cleared the whole of the slope (and the following two villages) when he came down on the sledge!
    Enjoy the rest of the season there, see you in 90 sleeps xx
