Dodging the rain

Sunday 7th January 2024 

Dave surprised me by saying that, at the grand old age of 66, he’d never owned an umbrella! He’s squeezed under mine a few times but always secretly envied those with golf umbrellas. Well now he has his own massive umbrella courtesy of a present from our son Gareth. It’s certainly come into its own over the past couple of days during which we’ve experienced hail storms, squalls, thunder & lightning and strong winds, interspersed with some lovely sunny spells.

Following the coast road from Orio to Lekeitio we’ve watched the squalls roll in, the clouds darken and the tell tale shafts of rain quickly get closer and closer until you’re caught in the middle of it. Often accompanied by a drop in temperature and strong winds. 

But we’ve been lucky in that we’ve dodged or sheltered from most of the showers and managed to see some beautiful coastal towns on the route. The forecast is for more of the same tomorrow before drying up on Tuesday when we plan to visit Bilbao.


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