
Such fun!

Wednesday 10 July 2013

The van hasn’t moved for 3 days and is parked up on a beach in Agiokampos. As the crow flies it’s about 40km north of Volos - gateway to the Pelion Peninsula - which is where we hope to be heading next. If we want to avoid the motorway though it will probably be at least treble that in road miles.

View from our 'lounge' window

Dr Katerina Davidamos (that’s me) has prescribed rest for Dave as his foot is getting no better and he’s starting to get grizzly now – he wants to be running around and climbing up things and he can’t. He went to see a ‘real’ doctor in a very English holiday resort on Monday, I didn’t actually see the guy just heard his deep cartoon style voice coming out of his lovely air conditioned office. Like a good patient Dave summarised the 2 month history – a stoutly built Romanian stood on his foot whilst he was trying to help them push a car out of a river ford it had got stuck in – and it’s hurt ever since. He didn’t actually examine his foot but asked a few questions including how old he was. At the end of the ‘consultation’ he politely suggested Dave ‘act his age’. This leaves us wondering exactly what a 55 year old male Brit on holiday is supposed to be doing. Getting drunk, having fights over football allegiances, picking up some nasty venereal diseases or suffering from blistering sunburn maybe? Wanting to keep fit and healthy is obviously beyond him now?

Trainers or flip flops - I know my footwear of choice!
There could be worse places to be confined. We are parked up a few hundred meters from where the road ends abruptly and a little harbour juts out into the sea. The steep shelving beach brings in crashing waves which have a huge expanse of open sea to the east to build up in.  Each day a few people arrive at the beach, plant brightly coloured umbrellas in the sand, swim and sunbathe. Then they pack up and go, leaving us alone with the stars.

We have had a great time like all the other kids here, big and little, being tossed around in the waves as they crash onto the shore.

I'm in there somewhere....

I have deemed he can cycle as it’s not putting weight on the part of his foot that hurts - I’m getting the hang of this new role I have, and a short cycle ride away is one shop and a row of bars and cafés so we won’t starve when the food/beer supplies on board run out.

Last night whilst we BBQ’d the remaining contents of the fridge we watched a huge electrical storm on the distant horizon. Playing around with the camera on a tripod with a fixed 50mm lens and some extremely long exposures we hope we captured a few stunning images.

‘Miranda’ the BBC comedy series is a bit of a Marmite thing – people either love it or hate it. We have to confess it is a guilty pleasure of ours and Penny, Miranda’s mother played by Patricia Hodge, has many catchphrases – one of which is "Such fun!"……. which really sums up our few days here!

1 comment:

  1. Shivering here in Sweden, can't wait to get to Greece and soak up some of that sun. Won't be any frollicking in the surf for me though.
