
Dress down Friday!

Friday 12 July 2013

For the best part of 20 years I turned up for work every day in black trousers, demure tops and sensible shoes. Public sector work doesn't lend itself to Dress Down Fridays!

Ooops - slightly under-dressed at my current desk!

There's more to life than sleeping, eating and swimming! That's what I keep telling myself as the time will soon be here when I have to rejoin the world of work. So to keep my brain from completely turning to mush I have been keeping up with my diary and have also written another 'Country Guide', - on our trip through Turkey this time. 

The couple who have the 'Our Tour' blog have uploaded it and shared with all their followers - they have been travelling for 2 years now with their little dog Charlie in a Hymer van they call Dave.

Here's the link to the page 'Your Tour'

Our friend Annie who we stayed with for 3 weeks in Turkey has also done a lovely post on her blog BacktoBodrum about our time with them. Happy days.


  1. New cossie? Just read your guide. It's brilliant Kath, you should investigate doing this as a career.

    1. No it's not new - it's the cossie I always worry will expose me when I get out of the water! No frolicking in the waves in this one!

  2. Hello - found you via Annie - and of course, have been reading on her blog about your exploits. Off to read more now. I think there probably is more to life than sleeping, eating and swimming but these things do set you up perfectly for what's to come. Enjoy it all!

    1. Thanks Annie - we're having a ball. In Greece now and the temperature is warming up but the fridge has broken down. Drat!
