
Our photos

Most of our photos now will be taken on our mobile phones (iPhone 14 Pro) - we do still have our SLR but it’s used less frequently.

Back in 2013 the majority of our photographs were 
taken with a Canon 550D body and the following lenses -
Canon EFS 18 - 55mm zoom 1:3.5 - 5.6
Canon EF 75 - 300mm zoom 1:4 - 5.6
Canon EF 50mm fixed focal length 1:1.8

The legal stuff.....

All photographs and wording on this blog are subject to copyright. It is expressly forbidden to copy, duplicate, reproduce, distribute or sell any images without the copyright holders consent. 

Leave a message on the comments section of the blog with your contact details if you wish to use any of the images.

Copyright © 2024 Kath & Dave Davies

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