
Look up!

Friday 9 February 2024

Whenever we walk friends, who’ve not been to Shrewsbury before, around the town we always encourage them to look up, as many of the Tudor buildings have some amazing features well above eye level. Our recent trip to Seville involved a lot of looking up!

Seville Cathedral 

Royal Alcázar of Seville (Royal Palace)

Setas de Sevilla / Las Setas 

(nicknamed The Mushrooms of Seville)

This large, predominantly wooden, structure in the centre of the city, divided opinions during construction and still does to this day. It was completed in 2011 costing in the region of €100 million - well over budget. 

Slightly less costly (at a mere £1 million) but also controversial is the Quantum Leap in Shrewsbury (nicknamed The Slinky). 

Well over budget and dividing opinions - modern structures seem to share this problem. Maybe in time they will become loved like the great palaces and cathedrals. Or maybe not!! 

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