
Homeward Bound - Adios España

Thursday 22 February 2024

All too quickly our road trip has, sadly, come to an end. Our Spain - Portugal - Spain sandwich has ended in San Sebastián, the weather is taking a turn for the worse and it’s time to head for home.

Our first couple of weeks in Spain, at the beginning of January, were spent driving south of the Pyrenees and heading west along the north coast towards Galicia. My sister asked me for our itinerary before we left, we knew which direction we were going in but not where the road would take us. This was what I sent her for our first month!

After leaving Portugal just over 2 weeks ago we’ve driven 1750 miles through some amazing scenery in central Spain. We’ve visited sophisticated cities, imposing fortress protected towns, medieval settlements and the remains of Roman era sites.

La Alberca

Ávila City Walls at night 

The landscape has varied enormously from stubby vineyards to lush olive groves, terraces of cherry trees to vast wheat fields. There’s been mountains, rivers, hot springs, waterfalls, palaces, castles, monasteries and museums - but there’s still so much more to see. 

Jaén Castle


Waterfalls in Jerte Valley

Rioja Region

I couldn’t have done even a rough itinerary of this last part of our trip for my sister but looking back at where we’ve been it would look vaguely like this! 

Our very rough route through central Spain

Below are a few more photographs to hopefully give you a flavour of the last part of our road trip.

Seville Cathedral 

Segovia Aqueduct 

Segovia Cathedral at sunset

Rock formations in Autol 

Free hot thermal baths in Arnedillo

Dinosaur Route from Enciso

Dinosaur footprint (my dainty size 7 for comparison)

San Sebastián 

We’ll come back to Spain I’m sure to explore the eastern and southern parts of the country and, who knows, we may even venture into Morocco! I hope you’ve enjoyed my little musings and photographs - thanks for coming along for the ride with us. 

Small van - big world (he did come back to get me!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kath & Dave,
    I have found myself with a free morning, first in a long time.
    So with a cuppa in hand I couldn’t wait to read your blog for the first time.
    Thank you 🙏 I have literally lost myself in your travels and loved every minute of it!
    You look like you’re having the best time and I’m in awe of you both.
    I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to share your blog with my friends Lauren and Dave? Like you they have a camper and love to travel, so I’m sure they will enjoy your blog and get some handy tips.
    Enjoy all your adventures and stay safe!!
    Love Nicky Gough xxx
