
Colourful Coastline

Friday 26 January 2024 

Since leaving Porto we have pootled leisurely down the west coast. We’re in no rush as we don’t need to be in Lisbon, to meet with Beth, for another week. We’ve managed to avoid the toll roads and purposefully stuck to local roads to keep costs down and to see more of the scenery and coastline. Now the sun has come out it’s proved to be a very colourful trip.

          Colourful cockle fishing boats in Torreira

The sunset at Cais do Bico was just stunning. Over the course of an hour the colours became more and more intense. I took way too many photographs.

Onto Aveiro where the canal bridges are adorned with colourful inscribed ribbons instead of rusty padlocks normally attached by couples ‘locked in love’. Padlocks are common place in many tourist spots these days causing headaches to many authorities due to structural damage from their sheer combined weight.

Another coastal town called Costa Nova has a whole seafront of houses brightly painted in stripy patterns. 

What raised eyebrows and stifled giggles from us is the painted decorations on the bow and stern of some of the local boats. They are reminiscent of the saucy seaside postcards of the early 1900’s which came under the scrutiny of the Censorship Boards in the 1950’s with many postcards being seized and destroyed due to their vulgarity.

Anyway risqué or not, there are still many of these ‘colourful’ cartoons adorning boats in Portuguese seaside towns today!

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