
"Everyone has a book inside them"

........ and in my case it is a Jessops Photobook!

I'm really pleased with the result and, instead of our photos remaining on a hard drive for ever with only a select few being printed off and gathering dust in frames, we now have a beautiful glossy hardback book with 34 colourful pages as a permanent reminder of our 15000 mile journey.

It's my own personal coffee-table book. When the UK weather, boredom of 9 - 5 or frustration at spiralling living costs are getting me down I can pick it up, remember our fantastic trip and start dreaming about the next one. Family and friends can flip through it if they are interested.

I  spent the best part of two weeks sifting through all 7500 of our photographs picking the best dozen or so from each country we visited. The software is easy to download from the Jessops website and each page can be formatted differently with as few or as many photographs as you want. Information can be added with text boxes and there are numerous background styles as well as the facility to use a photograph as a background.There are a number of options on the book size, cover choices and quality of the pages. I chose a hardback A4 landscape with 34 pages of premium photographic paper.

Taking advantage of a £10 introductory offer the final cost (including delivery) was £41. It wasn't cheap and I have to admit to having been quite anxious pressing the 'Submit and order' button wondering what the finished product would look like. It was back within a week and I needn't have worried - the quality is fantastic and everyone that has looked at it has been really impressed.

The full quote by the late Christopher Hitchens is actually ....'Everyone has a book inside them, which is exactly where I think it should, in most cases, remain' ........ I have no intention of writing a book of our travels - this is as close as I'll get to publishing anything! 


  1. Well done you, Kath. This is such a beautiful reminder of your amazing adventures. I love blogging and blogland but nothing can really beat a good book. You've set me thinking! Christmas isn't far away and I have an aged P who can't visit us in Spain.....Axxx

  2. Thanks Annie - I also did a small pocket size book for my twin sisters 50th birthday last week. It was full of pictures of us growing up over the years. It brought a tear to her eye when I gave it to her! Other companies do these photobooks but I have to say I was really impressed with the service from Jessops.

  3. What a good idea. I hope I get to sit on your sofa one day and browse.

    1. An invite to our Anniversary Party early 2014 will be heading your way - would be great if you and Teo could make it and squeeze onto our little sofa!
