
Poros - picture postcard perfect

Thursday 18 July 2013

I'm blaming jet lag but we haven't moved much since arriving in Galatas yesterday lunchtime. After 3 hours sleep the previous night having picked Gareth up from Athens airport at 4am we have been catching up on some beauty sleep!

Driving right past the acropolis at 5am
Dawn and driving past refineries outside Athens

Yesterday we took the short 5 minute crossing on a tiny ferry boat across the small stretch of water between Galatas and the island of Poros and had a quick walk around. You can see why it is a magnet for the yachties. The busy 500m straight between the mainland and the island is busy with ferries of all sizes, hydrofoils, yachts and motor boats passing through all day long.

And how am I managing to update the blog so quickly - courtesy of Poros town free Wi-fi from across the water. Perfect!

Looking back at the van in Galatas through a mass of rigging on Poros waterfront

Thank you!


  1. You've really made me remember a yachting holiday I once had in and around Greece with these photos. We had a wonderful time and I may tax my memory more to write a blog one day.
    Poros certainly looks very like some of the islands we visited and I have never, ever seen sea like the beautiful waters we swam in there. Lovely. (No WiFi then, though!)

    1. The islands are beautiful but the mainland has been a surprise for us too never having spent much time here before.
