
Behind the scenes

Thursday 25 July 2013

After bemoaning the fact that the theatre at Delphi was cordoned off and the one at Ancient Corinth was behind a locked gate it was wonderful to be able to wander around the majestic 14,000 seater at Epidaurus with its stunning backdrop of trees and mountains.

Every evening in July and August the site comes alive with thousands of guests as this main theatre and also the nearby ‘Little Theatre’ at Nea Epidaurus host open air music and plays.

The sections and rows are all marked up, lighting rigs are positioned up high and thick cabling is running dangerously up the aisles. Ready and waiting for the influx of visitors is a huge car park, a number of ticket booths and plenty of catering and toilet facilities – on an average day though the handful of tourists are well dispersed across the vast site and it was a lovely way to spend an early morning. Whenever we have visited Ephesus in Turkey someone usually bursts into song much to the delight of visitors sitting in the theatre. Today there was plenty of shouting from the lively Italian tour group but nothing to judge the reputed excellent acoustics by

It’s a real mix of rambling remains, reconstructed sections and works in progress. Methodical digging is being carried out under huge umbrella's in the searing heat whilst new column sections for the Tholos are being crafted and assembled behind a mass of scaffold.

Work in progress.....albeit very slowly

How long would it take to reconstruct the original 40 columns?

The modern day scenery was quite basic and reminded me of the lads primary school plays - plastic citrus trees, artificial doves and some lightweight columns along with a couple of costume changes! If they need anyone to help with the papier-mâché they only have to ask!


Doric....Ionic....Corinthian......or polystyrene!

Behind the scenes


  1. The doves in the plastic orange trees were realistic though or do I just need new glasses.

  2. Yes they looked OK fluttering in the breeze!

  3. Dear Kath and Dave, I came over to your blog after reading a posting on Annie's (Back to Bodrum). I'm disappointed that I've missed all the postings you've done on your year's worth of travel. I'll try to come back and read more about the many places you've visited.

    My sister-in-law and I visited Greece in November 1993. I got to climb the stairs at Epidaurus and sing my song. From the top the view is breath-taking. Thank you for posting this detailed photographs. Peace.

  4. Thanks Dee - my travel osts will soon dry up as we board the ferry from Patra to Trieste today and head back to the UK to rejoin the world of work :( Hopefully we can set off again while we are still 'young' enough to enjoy it!
