
Market day in Mumcular

Sunday 9 June 2013

We have slowed down, almost to a standstill, here in sleepy Kurudere, the small village where our friends live. One week on and the van still hasn't moved and we are enjoying some naughty lie-ins although we are trying to do our bit around the house!

The 'boys' got the pool ready and I cleaned the sun-loungers!
So at 11am we were a bit late arriving at the market in Mumcular which starts early and is wrapped up just after lunchtime. Annie normally organises the shopping I gather, but Teo was in charge of filling up the fridge and cupboards with fresh produce today. The small town has grown since we were first here about 5 years ago but still retains a nice feel to it and the streets are closed as the market spills out in all directions each Sunday morning.

Great opportunity for taking photographs of the huge range of items on sale including fruit and vegetables, herbs and spices, fabrics, tools, household goods, clothes and sunglasses (spot the fakes!) ....

With a large outlying population it's a busy place and mainly used by locals so the prices are affordable. We came back with bags full of bread, simits, tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes, onions, courgettes, aubergine, lettuce, spring onions, cheese, olive oil, cherries, melon, peaches, figs, fresh parsley and dill - and all that came to about £18. Not bad eh....

Other than the diesel, which is the most expensive we have paid to date, our other major expense in Turkey is alcohol. A 500ml bottle of Efes costs about £1.20, comparable to UK prices but over twice what we've paid in most European countries to date. Dave's having to cut back.......a little!

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