
Food, Glorious Food

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Along with the hospitality of the Turks an abiding memory for most visitors has to be the fantastic food in Turkey and I defy anyone who comes here not to put on weight. Whether you are buying from a roadside stall or the weekly market, a tea house or bakery, a traditional pide salonu (pizza restaurant), a simple 'tost' hut or flashy restaurant, you can be sure the food is fresh, flavoursome and always good value. 

'Afiyet olsun' - 'Bon appetit'                             Our colourful collage of Turkish food

Yesterday, after breakfast, we set off for the seaside resort of Ören where we feasted on a huge 'tost' each for lunch. This consists of half a loaf of bread, stuffed with an assortment of fillings - we had cheese, tomato and salami, although köfte and fish are popular fillings too . This is then squashed flat under a heavy weight and cooked on a griddle.

On our way back we tucked into an early evening selection of meze's (starters) at Captain Ibrahim's restaurant on the beach in Çökertme, overlooking the large bay which slowly filled up with yachts and Turkish gulets on their way up the Gulf of Gokova.

It took me 3 months to lose about 2 stone while we were working in France. I think it has taken less than a month to put most of it back on here in Turkey - d'oh! As well as the occasional meal out we have been spoilt with Annie's fantastic food - she turns a fridge full of raw ingredients into a table full of delicious dishes in no time at all. 

We are leaving Annie & Teo's today and will be heading north to the border with mainland Greece where I am hoping the food won't be as tempting. Back on the road - and back on the diet!

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