

Monday 20 May 2013
I can get by with very little sleep.....and Dave can sleep through virtually anything. It's just as well really because you never know what is going to keep you awake at night or wake you before dawn.

Number one has to be barking dogs, but we've also had.....listed alphabetically not by decibels or nuisance factor......

Birds on the roof of the van
Boy racers in car parks
Car horns
Chiming church bells - on the hour and if you're really unlucky on the half hour too!
Commuter traffic
Croaking frogs
Learner drivers practising manoeuvres
Level crossing barriers
Lorries on motorways
Rave in a converted lorry
Sirens - police, ambulance....
Snoring...from occupants of other vans and/or each other!
Snow ploughs

and this morning a new noise .....

 Sweet dreams.....

1 comment:

  1. Teo got your text but doesn't think his reply was sent. He's looking forward to seeing you and so am I (a week later)
