
Solid olive oil..... again

Owen is out with us at the moment and we are back in the ski-resorts with night time temperatures hovering just above freezing. The olive oil has solidified again…..

We chickened out of doing the Brig / Simplon pass a week or so ago after a night sat in the van on the shore of Lake Maggiore in Italy with thunder, lightening and torrential rain crashing down all around us. Instead we took the St Bernard Tunnel into Switzerland which cost €40 but guaranteed an uneventful trip and we probably used less diesel. Our transit through Switzerland was short and sweet and by nightfall we were parked up in St Gingolph on the Swiss/French border on the shore of Lake Geneva (locally called Lac Leman).

We have taken our time travelling back along the lakeside road through Thonon-les-Bains (see previous blog), Evian and a lovely little harbour village called Yvoire which dates back to the 14th century and, being traffic free, is peaceful and idyllic.

Geneva, for us, didn’t really live up to the flashy brochure images, perhaps we didn’t see it at its best with drizzly rain and a cold wind but we walked around most of it killing time until Owen’s plane landed. We found little to get excited about, the famous water jet in the harbour was the only thing we got the camera out for. I reluctantly upload the photograph – it’s as dull as we found the city!

I will be back in the UK for a few days from Sunday for my Gran's funeral and will update the blog once we get on the road again.

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