
On the road again.......

Thursday 28th March 2013

It’s over a month since we left Les Carroz and we have spent most of that time in France and Italy with the lads travelling in quite familiar territory. It now feels like our travelling adventures are really about to begin as we set off towards Eastern Europe. The countries we hope to visit include Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece and Turkey.

We drove back through Switzerland today and took a gamble on the Brig - Simplon Pass being a) open and b) suitable for our van – it proved to be a very easy and cheap (i.e. free!) route back into Italy. From the Swiss side it climbs slowly to its 2005m peak and, despite being single carriageway for most of the trip, the light traffic meant a quick trip. On the Italian side the road is more windy as it descends down the pass and through gorges. The large lorries, using low gears to avoid their brakes burning out, slow traffic down a little but it gives you plenty of time to enjoy the scenery.

This road brings you into Italy near Lake Maggiore so we took the opportunity to take the ferry this time – Dave just can’t resist a ferry trip. On the western side of the lake it leaves from Intra (near Verbania) and cuts straight across to Laveno on the eastern side. It cost us €20 for the van and the 2 of us and saves about 70km driving round windy narrow roads.

So we are ready for the off now - full of diesel (€90), gas (€10), water (free) and the laundry is all done (€17) and in the words of Willie Nelsons song…..

On the road again
Goin’ places that I’ve never been
Seein’ things I may never see again
And  I can’t wait to get on the road again
On the road again…….

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