
Skiing lessons - Day 1

Monday 7th January 2013

Well I am officially a  'débutante' - no not a young lady from an aristocratic family who has reached the age of maturity ready to be displayed to an array of eligible bachelors!! Though I would love to try on one of those big ballgowns I'm not known for being very feminine.  I do however have the most flowery girly pair of ski's you have probably ever seen!

No I am a 'débutante learner' on the slopes and today had the first of a weeks worth of morning lessons. I managed not to make a complete fool of myself - Bridget Jones style - as had been my great fear. I did fall over a couple of times but by the end of the 3 hour session I was able to snow plough, go down the slope in a 'S' pattern, negotiate the button lift and even manage a bit of parallel skiing. 

I took the picture above whilst being pulled up the long button lift to the top of the nursery slope (which you can see to the right of the picture). It was a beautiful sunny day up on the mountain - high above the cloud which was hugging the valley floor below.

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