
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ......

Tuesday 4/12/12
Les Carroz

We arrived in Les Carroz on Saturday afternoon and it hasn't stopped snowing since. The resort 'opens' officially on 22/12/12 and at the moment the traders are busy stocking up the shops, opening the restaurants, getting chalets ready and preparing the pistes. It's a pretty resort and once the snow stops, the clouds lift and the sun comes out I will post some photos.

The photo above was taken this morning and shows the van slowly being 'consumed' by the snow and there is more snow forecast for the rest of the week. Dave climbed onto the van roof this morning and cleared off about 20cm depth.  It is currently parked outside the chalet we are running. I haven't counted up all the bedrooms and beds yet but there's loads of them and it's huge! Help........


  1. Winter has just arrived here too - rain, thunder and cold. No snow though.

  2. In 2 days we reckon there was about 35cm of snow on top of the van roof and the bikes were frozen solid to the bike rack!
