
The brakes work.....

Wednesday 22/11/12
Shrewsbury to Newhaven

I am sure Dave had visions of me packing everything except the kitchen sink (thankfully not required as the van already has one!) as he kept going on about the weight of the van fully laden and the extra diesel it would need to shift it from A – B.

OK I understand that ……but when a girl has to have clothes to cover all seasons that takes packing a capsule wardrobe to another level.  Add in the other essentials, marmalade, Marmite, tea bags, toiletries, etc etc and all storage spaces were soon full. But between us we had managed to pack the van well – it looks like an IKEA room set (you know the one’s where they squeeze everything into 6 cubic feet) on wheels – plastic boxes and all.

All stowed securely
En-route to Brighton Dave had to do an emergency stop as a car pulled out in front of us from a side junction and the driver just froze in the middle of the road. Bringing 3.5 tons of campervan quite fully laden to a halt is no mean feat but we stopped within about of foot of the drivers door. The only ‘casualty’ on our part was a low flying cutlery drawer which came out of its runner and landed in the lounge area. Everything else was securely lashed down or wedged in and didn’t budge. No-one was hurt and no damage done – brakes well and truly tested, we're ready for the European drivers now!

Brighton's Royal Pavilion

Brighton Pier

We’d never been to Brighton before – it’s brash and bold but has some beautiful buildings and iconic landmarks. We had a ‘final supper’ of Fish & Chips eaten on our laps in the van washed down with a couple of pints of Real Ale in a nice pub in Seaford. We ‘wild camped’ on the seafront road, sleeping to the sound of waves crashing on the beach and woke up to a fleet of lorries travelling up and down the beach in a vain attempt to redistribute the pebbles. Dave’s in digger heaven!


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